Page 50 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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          Volunteer Recognition

         2020傑出義工嘉許禮暨                             2020 Outstanding Volunteer
         AVS主題曲發佈                                 Recognition cum AVS Theme Song

         「2020傑出義工嘉許禮暨AVS主題曲                      Launching Ceremony
         發佈」於2021年3月26日舉行,蒙民政事                    The ‘2020 Outstanding Volunteer Recognition cum AVS Theme
         務局局長徐英偉先生, JP主禮。當日除了                     Song Launching Ceremony’ was held on 26 March 2021
         頒發第5屆「紫荊領袖義工獎」、2020                      with Mr Caspar  Tsui,  JP,  Secretary for Home Affairs as the
         香港義工團「傑出貢獻獎」及2020 AVS全                   Officiating Guest. At the Ceremony, the 5  Leadership Bauhinia
         港賣旗日「最高籌款獎」外,亦發佈本局                       Volunteer Award, 2020 Hong Kong Community  Volunteers
         主題曲《齊心創美夢》。                              (HKCV) Outstanding Contribution Award and 2020 AVS
                                                  Territory-wide Flag Day ‘Top Fundraiser Award’ were presented.
                                                  The AVS Theme Song was also released at the event.

         義務工作發展局主題曲                               AVS Theme Song

        《齊心創美夢》                                   “Making our Dreams Together”
         嘉許禮上發佈為慶祝本局50周年,由世界                      To mark AVS 50  anniversary, the AVS theme song “Making our
         知名男高音歌唱家莫華倫先生, BBS, MH                   Dreams Together” was released at the Ceremony. AVS is honored
         主唱的本局主題曲《齊心創美夢》,並向                       to have Mr Warren Mok, BBS, MH, a celebrated tenor, perform
         幕後義務創作團隊,包括作曲、編曲及                        the song, spreading the volunteerism spirit and inspiring more to
         監製的「鋼琴王子」陳雋騫先生、填詞人                       embrace volunteering as a way of life. This song was composed,
                                                  arranged and produced by Mr Phoebus Chan, a famous pianist,
         陳凱雪女士和黃浩林先生,表達衷心謝                        and authored by Ms Chan Hoi Suet and Mr Wong Ho Lam.

         第5屆「紫荊領袖義工獎」                             5  Leadership Bauhinia Volunteer Award
         本局於2011年推出「紫荊領袖義工獎」,                     AVS launched the Leadership Bauhinia  Volunteer Award in
         嘉許在義務工作領域具卓越貢獻及成就                        2011 to recognize professionals and senior executives who
         的專業人士及高級行政人員。他/她們運                       have made outstanding contribution and achievements
         用專業技能從事義工服務,表現出色,                        through volunteering.  They used their professional skills to
         通過其樹立的典範,鼓勵更多義工發揮                        create remarkable social impacts and acted as role models to
         專業才能服務社群。                                other volunteers.

         「紫荊領袖義工獎」的候選人由香港義務                       Candidates for the Leadership Bauhinia Volunteer Award were
         工作議會的組織成員提名,在其屬會、                        nominated by the member organizations of the Hong Kong
         香港義務工作議會及義務工作發展局聯合                       Council of Volunteering (HKCOV). Those devoted 200 or more
         舉辦的「專業人士義工服務嘉許計劃」                        hours of service in the past 2 years received the Gold Award
                                                  under the Professional  Volunteer Service Accreditation
         中獲取金獎或以上獎項,並須於提名                         Programme, which was jointly organized by their respective
         期的過去兩年內提供義工服務達200                        organizations, HKCOV and AVS. Two engineers and one lawyer
         小時。第5屆「紫荊領袖義工獎」由梁智鴻                      have  been  selected  for  the  5   Award  by  the  Judging  Panel
         醫生, GBM, GBS, JP 擔任評審委員會                 chaired by Dr Leong Che Hung, GBM, GBS, JP. Under the
         主席,獲獎人士分別為兩位工程師及一位                       pandemic, the awardees utilized their professional knowledge
         律師,他們在疫情下採用網上及不同服務                       and skills to help the needy through online and various
         形式,積極發揮其專業知識和技能,幫助                       service modes.

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