Page 45 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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VQ「行義生活台」                                Volunteering Channel

               縱使新型冠狀病毒肆虐,學院繼續推展                        Amidst the pandemic, the Institute launched the Volunteering
               網上學習,年內推出「行義生活台」,                        Channel to promote online learning. Nine thematic videos
               一連製作9段以「綠色行義」為題的影片,                      on  ‘Green  Volunteering’ were produced, teaching volunteers
               教授以循環再用材料製作小家品、錢包                        handicraft skills to make household items, wallets and ornaments
               及掛飾等,並鼓勵義工把製成品送贈有                        out of recycled materials. To embody the spirit of volunteering,
               需要人士,發揮行義精神,影片總觀看                        the  volunteers  were  encouraged  to  share  their  products  with
               人次超過6,000。                               people in need. The videos generated more than 6,000 views.

               4C青年義工領袖計劃                               4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project

               計劃自2009年開展,透過4C發展模式                      The Project was launched in 2009. Through the 4C (Confidence,
               (Confidence自信、Care關懷、Commitment          Care, Commitment, Courage) development model, it fostered
               承擔、Courage勇氣),培育青年的健全                    the youth’s holistic development and nurtured their all-rounded
               品格及公民意識,以達致全人發展。計劃                       personalities and civic awareness.  The Project also facilitated
               亦協助學校於校內建立核心義工團隊,                        schools to build student volunteer teams and supported the
               並支援青年義工領袖推動及組織校內                         youth volunteer leaders to mobilize their fellow schoolmates
               同學參與義工服務,推廣義工精神,                         to volunteer, in order that  the spirit  of volunteerism could be
               讓學生關心弱勢社群的需要。                            cultivated and students would care more about the needs of
                                                        the disadvantaged.

               於青年作為義工領袖的成長,協助青年                        With the theme of ‘Volunteering x Gearing Up’, this year’s
                                                        programme  focused  on  leadership  development  of  young
               認識及裝備自己,從多方面探索自我、                        volunteers, encouraging them to actualize their own potential
               服務對象及社區的需要,增強技能和                         and to build capacity to meet the needs of service recipients
               經驗,同時開拓服務設計的創新思維,                        and the communities. Students were taught creative thinking
               成為有抱負及能幹的青年義工領袖,                         skills to design “real services” that address the areas of need at
               提供具質素的「真•服務」。                            its core.

               年內成功協助21間中學建立22隊青年                       During the year, 21 secondary schools joined the programme
               義工領袖團隊,培訓逾350位青年義工                       by setting up in total 22 youth volunteer leader teams, allowing
               領袖。基於大部份主體活動如團隊迎                         more than 350 youth volunteers to receive leadership training.
               新日、聯校培訓營及聯校服務日等,受                        While the viral outbreak brought a lot of challenges to the
               疫情影響未能如常舉行,計劃作出了                         on-site training and service activities, the Project initiated
               全新嘗試,製作「4C Online ! 行義研                  ‘4C Online! Volunteering Study Room’. Various kinds of online
               習室」,內容包括「YouTube體驗式互動                    activities,  such  as ‘4C  YouTube  Interactive  Videos’, ‘4C  Online!
               短片」、「4C Online!另類實境解謎遊戲」、                Joint-School Alternate Reality Game’, ‘4C Horoscopes Video x
              「4C行義•星座大調查」及「Instagram                   Volunteering’ and ‘Instagram Interactive Volunteering Story’ were
               互動式行義故事」,以協助青年義工清晰                       organized to assist the students in finding their volunteering
               自己行義方向,裝備行義所需的知識、                        direction, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills
               技能及態度。                                   and mindset.

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  41
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