Page 48 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 48

特約培訓                                     Specialized Training Programmes

         因應不同機構和團體的需要,學院為                         Under the Specialized  Training Programmes, basic volunteer
         義工、義工領袖及管理人員量身設計                         training, service skills training, leadership and volunteer
         各類培訓項目,包括義務工作基礎                          management training are tailor-made for volunteers, volunteer
         培訓、服務技巧培訓、領袖培訓,及義                        leaders and administrators according to their needs. During
         務工作管理學培訓,以提升義工服務的                        the year, a total of 56 organizations were served, including
         質素和成效。年內使用特約培訓服務                         Hong Kong Financial Services Institute, Hong Kong Independent
         的機構合共56間,包括香港金融管理                        Commission  Against  Corruption,  Hong  Kong  Public  Relations
         學院、廉政公署、香港公共關係專業人                        Professionals' Association, New  World Development Co Ltd,
         員協會、新世界發展有限公司、香港                         The Chinese University of Hong Kong and  The Hong Kong
         中文大學及香港工程師學會等,各項                         Institution of Engineers, etc.  To ensure quality, all training
         課程均由具有豐富義工管理及培訓經                         programmes  were  conducted  by  qualified  and  experienced
                                                  trainers. In addition, the introduction of online training mode was
         驗的人員教授,以確保質素。學院更增                        well received by service users, with over 80 sessions conducted
         設線上授課形式予服務使用機構選擇,                        in the year.

             The Institute tailor-made training courses for
             organizations from various sectors

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