Page 46 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 46

此外,計劃更安排多項線上服務及活動,                       A variety of online services and activities were arranged to let
         方便青年義工在家行義,包括擔任「公民                       young volunteers contribute from home. Through the service
         科學家」,協助點算加拿大白鯨、倫敦                        ‘Citizen Scientist’, they participated by taking statistics of wild
         雀鳥數量及肯亞動物種類、分析火星                         animals  in  Canada,  UK  and  Kenya,  analyzing  the  areography
         地形、分析德國集中營倖存者資料。                         of Mars, and organizing information of concentration camps
         並參與線上導賞團,認識露宿者服務。                        survivors to support scientific research. Volunteers also joined
         而學生義工團隊亦積極運用所學,於疫                        the online guided tour to learn about services for the homeless.
         情下策劃及籌備各類型線上及實體的                         In addition, the teams actively applied what they had learned
         義工服務,包括為長者舉行新春慶祝                         to organize various kinds of online and face-to-face volunteer
         活動、與小朋友進行線上旅行、清潔                         services, including the Chinese New Year celebrations for elderly,
         狗場及沙灘等,共提供超過3,600小時的                     online sightseeing with children, the cleaning up of dog shelters
         服務。                                      and beaches, altogether contributing over 3,600 hours of service.

            參與學校 (2020-2021)                  Participating Schools (2020-2021)
            庇理羅士女子中學                          Belilios Public School

            中華基督教會基智中學                        CCC Kei Chi Secondary School
            天主教喇沙會張振興伉儷書院                     Chong Gene Hang College

            基督教宣道會宣基中學                        Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School
            五邑司徒浩中學                           FDBWA Szeto Ho Secondary School

            香港四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學                   HKSYC & IA Chan Nam Chong Memorial College
            旅港開平商會中學                          Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School

            聖母無玷聖心書院                          Immaculate Heart of Mary College
            賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院                         Jockey Club Man Kwan EduYoung College
            九龍工業學校                            Kowloon Technical School

            九龍真光中學                            Kowloon True Light School

            葵涌循道中學                            Kwai Chung Methodist College
            羅定邦中學                             Law Ting Pong Secondary School
            世界龍岡學校劉皇發中學                       Lung Kong WFSL Lau Wong Fat Secondary School

            民生書院                              Munsang College
            保良局董玉娣中學                          Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College

            嘉諾撒培德書院                           Pui Tak Canossian College
            伊利沙伯中學舊生會中學                       Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School

            聖芳濟各書院                            St. Francis of Assisi's College
            東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學                        Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College

            華英中學                              Wa Ying College

         Schools listed in alphabetical order

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