Page 49 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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「義務工作管理學」                                  Volunteer Service Management –

               大專培訓計劃                                   Tertiary Education Programme

               隨著義務工作的普及,大專學生於未來                        With volunteer service gaining increasing popularity,
               工作上會有很多機會接觸或發展義工                         post-secondary school students will have ample opportunities
               團隊。為支援大專院校課程,學院                          to work with or develop volunteer teams. To complement the
               於2017年推出「義務工作管理學」大專                      post-secondary curriculum, the Institute started a  ‘Volunteer
               培訓計劃,教授義工管理及組織義工                         Service Management – Tertiary Education Programme’ in 2017,
               服務的知識及技巧。年內為香港高等                         to equip students with the knowledge and skills on volunteer
               教育科技學院的運動及康樂管理學系                         service management. In the year, students of the Faculty of
                                                        Sports and Recreation Management of Technological and Higher
                                                        Education Institute of Hong Kong received the training.

             「耆義人生」義工領袖                                 Senior Volunteer Leadership

               培訓計劃                                     Training Programme

              「老有所屬、老有所養、老有所為」一直是                       The promotion of older people’s sense of belonging, security
               香港安老服務的願景;而推廣年長人士                        and worthiness is the mission of Hong Kong’s elderly services,
               參與義務工作是本局發展方向。為此,                        which is also in alignment with AVS’ strategic direction to
               學院於2018年起推出「耆義人生」義工                      engage more elderly volunteers in service. Since the launch
               領袖培訓計劃,透過和長者服務中心                         of  the  ‘Senior  Volunteer  Leadership  Training  Programme’
               合作,推動年長人士積極參與義務                          in 2018, we have been partnering with elderly centres to
               工作,並成為義工領袖,使其發揮所長,                       develop volunteer leadership skills for older people, unleashing
               實踐「老有所為」。年內約500位長者                       their potential in serving the community and, along the way,
                                                        strengthening their sense of worthiness. During the year,
                                                        nearly 500 elderly volunteers were trained, achieving very
                                                        positive results.

               網上證書課程                                   Junior Volunteer Leader
                                                        Online Certificate Course
               學院首次為本港小三至小六學生推出                         To encourage students to keep learning while classes were
              「義工小領袖」網上證書課程,讓他/她們                       suspended, the Institute piloted the ‘Junior Volunteer Leader
               安坐家中也可學習義務工作的基本知識及                       Online Certificate Course’ for primary 3 to 6 students. Through
               技巧,培育義工精神。課程自推出後反應                       the course, the students learnt at home the basic knowledge
               熱烈,超過650名學生參與。                           and skills of volunteering. The course has since trained more
                                                        than 650 students.

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