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香港義工團聯誼活動                               HKCV Networking Activities

          由香港義工團會員組成的「義工天地」、                      Four dedicated groups, namely ‘Volunteers Serve Volunteers’,
         「義人行」、「義彩Teen地」及「義創                      ‘V-together’, ‘V-teens’ and ‘V-future’ were formed by HKCV
          未來」小組,專責為會員策劃義工服務及                      members with the aim to strengthen ties and the sense of
          聯誼活動,以加強會員間的聯繫及提升                       belonging of members to HKCV. During the year, to align with
          他們對團隊的歸屬感。為配合青年發展                       the policy direction on youth development and enhanced
          及加強新會員參與的方針,年內策劃4項                      participation of new members, 4 service activities were
          活動,動員近百名青年及新會員服務                        organized, mobilizing about 100 youth and new members to
          弱勢社群,包括低收入家庭、長者及                        serve low income families, the elderly and the local community.

                                                                The groups organized volunteer service and
                                                                networking activities for HKCV members

       26  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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