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聖誕頌歌節 2019                               Carol Singing Festival 2019

               自2010年起,兒童發展配對基金為針對                      AVS has partnered with The Child Development Matching Fund
               跨代貧窮問題,每年於聖誕期間舉辦                         for 10 consecutive years since 2010, to support their annual
               旗艦籌款活動「聖誕頌歌節」。本局                         flagship fundraising event – ‘Carol Singing Festival’.  The
               連續10年獲邀為協作夥伴,統籌義工                        event lasted for 17 days in December 2019. AVS deployed
               服務。2019頌歌節於12月一連17天                      130 volunteers, volunteer leaders and photographers, who
               舉行,本局動員130多位義工、組長及                       provided support of reception, liaison, service management and
               攝影義工,支援15個表演場地的110項                      photography in 110 singing and highlight events at 15 venues.
               頌歌及亮點活動,負責接待、聯絡、                         To  celebrate  the  10   anniversary  of  Carol Singing  Festival,
                                                        corporations, organizations and volunteers were presented
              「聖誕頌歌節」10周年,特頒發感謝狀                        with certificates of appreciation for their long-term support to
                                                        the programme and dedicated effort to raise the matching fund
               予長期支持的企業、團體及義工,表揚                        for the grassroots youth. In the past  10 years, AVS recruited
               各界持續多年的支持,以及為基層青少年                       a total of 1,890 volunteers who performed 25,000 hours of
               籌募儲蓄配對金的貢獻。過去10年,                        volunteer service.

                                                                               AVS volunteers were presented certificates of
                                                                               appreciation for their long-term involvement at the
                                                                               10  anniversary celebration of Carol Singing Festival

                                                                       Children reveling in the carol singing

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  27
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