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香港賽馬會社區資助                                The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community

               計劃 – 專才義工網                               Project Grant: Volunteer Talent Bank
               本局自2005年起獲香港賽馬會慈善信託                      Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJC)
               基金撥款,推行「香港賽馬會社區資助                        since 2005, ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project
               計劃 – 專才義工網」。計劃現有13隊                      Grant:  Volunteer  Talent Bank’ (VTB) has 13 self-managed
               具備不同專門技能的義工隊伍,以自務                        volunteer teams each with a specialized set of skills and talent.
                                                        They provide services in 4 broad categories namely befriending
               管理模式,向社福機構提供適切的優質                        and mentorship service, community and cultural service, health
               服務,涵蓋友伴服務、社區及文化                          and personal care service, and professional service. In the year,
               服務、健康及個人護理服務和專業服務                        1,800 volunteer members under the 13 service teams received
               4個範疇。過去一年,「專才義工網」隊員                      a total of 16,000 hours of value-added training to help them
               人數近1,800名,為160間非牟利機構                     enhance the quality of service they delivered. Altogether
               提供共51,000小時的服務,受惠人次                      160 non-profit organizations received 51,000 hours of service,
               達140,000,服務滿意度為100%,而隊                   benefitting 140,000 service recipients of which 100% of them
               員共接受16,000小時的培訓,自我增值                     found the services satisfactory.

                                                        Having successfully secured continuous funding from HKJC for
               未 來 三 年(2020-2023),本 局 再 度 獲             the next three years (2020-2023), the VTB project’s focus will be
               香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助,繼續                         on the promotion of cross-generational volunteering. Family
               推行「專才義工網」。計劃的重點主要                        volunteers and young people will be encouraged to actively
               為推廣跨代行義,鼓勵家庭義工及青少                        participate in services. Through diversified learning opportunities
               年積極投入服務。透過多元化的學習                         to enhance the leadership and management capabilities of the
               機會,培育及加強義工領袖以自務形式                        volunteer leaders, we hope to attract members of the public
               管理隊務的能力,期望吸引擁有專門技                        with specialized skills to become VTB members and to join forces
               能的市民大眾加入義工行列,滿足社會上                       with us in meeting the different service needs in the community.

                 專才義工服務隊                                       Volunteer Talent Teams

                 友伴服務                                          Befriending and Mentorship Service
                 閱讀義工服務隊                                       Reading Volunteer Team
                 學生服務支援隊                                       Student Service Supporting Team

                 同心者服務隊                                        V-Care Befrienders Team

                 社區及文化服務                                       Community and Cultural Service
                 家庭義工隊                                         Family Volunteer Team
                 音樂創意服務隊                                       Music Creative Team
                 社區共融義工服務隊                                     Social Inclusion Volunteer Service Team

                 社區服務導遊隊                                       Tourist Guide Team
                 社區綜藝服務隊                                       Volunteer Performance Service Team

                 健康及個人護理服務                                     Health and Personal Care Service
                 理髮義工隊                                         Hair Cutting Team
                 社區健康服務隊                                       Health Care Team

                 專業服務                                          Professional Service
                 家居維修服務隊                                       Home-Safety Support Team

                 資訊科技義工服務隊                                     Information Technology Volunteer Service Team
                 攝影義工隊                                         Volunteer Photographers Team

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  29
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