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‘Miracle Summer’                        ‘Miracle Summer’ Youth Volunteering
          青年行義計劃2019                              Programme 2019

          本局於2016年開始舉辦‘Miracle Summer’            ‘Miracle Summer’ Youth Volunteering Programme was initiated
          青年行義計劃,推動香港義工團青年會                       in 2016 to encourage HKCV youth members to make the
          員善用暑假參與義務工作,關心社會,                       most of their summer vacation by volunteering, and through
          並從中增強溝通技巧、建立自信。2019                     the process  to develop their  communication skills and
          年的計劃以「惜食、環保、關愛社區」                       self-confidence.  ‘Miracle Summer’ 2019, with the theme
          為主題,推出8項精選服務,吸引約                        ‘Cherishing Food, Environmental Protection and Care for the
          280名青年參與,合共提供2,800小時的                   Community’ comprised 8 selected service events. 280 youth
          義工服務。此計劃榮獲「粵港澳大灣區                       volunteers participated and performed a total of 2,800 hours of
          專項賽優秀項目獎」,本局代表出席於                       service. The Programme received the Guangdong-Hong Kong-
          廣州舉行的頒獎禮,接受獎項,並介紹                       Macao-Greater Bay Area Special Project Outstanding Award. AVS
          計劃。                                     representatives attended the Award Presentation Ceremony held
                                                  in Guangzhou and shared with fellow volunteer organizations
                                                  the programme achievements.

          青少年參與‘Miracle Summer’的主題服務
          The young people actively participated in the services of ‘Miracle Summer’

       28  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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