Page 35 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 35

「耆義同行」                                 ‘Walk with the Elderly in Community’

               本局再度獲得良梅福祉基金捐助,舉辦                        Sponsored by Leung Mui Charity Foundation, the ‘Walk with
              「耆義同行」長者服務計劃,為殘疾或                         the Elderly in Community’ programme continued to bring love
               長期病患長者及其照顧者提供本地旅遊及                       and joy to the elderly with disabilities or long-term illnesses
               探訪服務,讓他們走出戶外接觸社群,                        and their carers. Through home visits and local tours, volunteers
               擴闊社交圈子。活動由「香港賽馬會社                        helped the elderly broaden their social circle by reaching out
               區資助計劃 — 專才義工網」屬下的「社區                     to the community. The activities were planned and organized
               服務導遊隊」負責籌劃,義工因應長者的                       by the Tourist Guide Team of ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club
               個別需要設計行程,帶領長者遊覽不同的                       Community Project Grant: Volunteer Talent Bank’. Specifically
                                                        designed by the volunteers with the needs of the elderly in
               地方。同時,義工透過探訪及互動活動                        mind, the itineraries take the elderly on tours to different places.
               與長者建立關係,鼓勵他們認識及體驗                        Volunteers also build relationship with the elderly through visits
                                                        and interactive activities to encourage them to experience
                                                        more about the community and strengthen their links with
                                                        the society.

               ‘Walk with the Elderly in Community’ let the elderly have the opportunity to
               enjoy outdoor activities and broaden their social circle

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  31
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