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               International and Regional Activities

               第16屆國際義工協會                               16  IAVE Asia Pacific Regional
               亞太區義工會議暨                                 Volunteer Conference and

               青年會議                                     Youth Conference

               國際義工協會致力促進和加強義務工作                        The International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) is a global
               在世界各地的發展。協會擁有來自70多個                      alliance with members from 70 countries and regions, dedicated
               國家或地區的會員,每年舉辦全球或                         to the promotion and strengthening of the development of
               地區會議,讓世界各地的義工組織匯聚                        volunteerism. It organized world or regional conferences
                                                        annually to bring together leaders and representatives of
               交流,分享義務工作的經驗及探討未來的                       different  volunteer  organizations,  creating  a  platform  for
                                                        them to share experience and to chart together the future
                                                        of volunteering.
               組織香港代表團出席協會的會議。2019年                     As  a member  organization of  IAVE,  AVS participates  in the
               11月,本局組織34人的香港代表團,                       IAVE conference every year. In November 2019, Mr Paul Fan,
               當中包括6名香港青年義工,在本局副                        SBS,  JP,  AVS Vice-Chairman led  a delegation  of 34, inclusive
               主席范佐浩SBS太平紳士帶領下,出席                       of a youth delegation of 6, to attend the 16  IAVE Asia Pacific
               在泰國曼谷舉行以「開啟義工力量」為                        Regional Volunteer Conference and Youth Conference in
               主題的第16屆國際義工協會亞太區義工                       Bangkok, Thailand.  With the theme ‘Unlocking the Power of
               會議暨青年會議。會議匯聚來自29個                        Volunteering’, the Conference brought together more than
               國家及地區420多名義工界領袖及代表,                      420 organization leaders and delegates from 29 countries and
               互相交流義務工作的知識和經驗。本局                        regions to exchange knowledge and experience in volunteering.
               總幹事鍾媛梵女士於首日的全體會議中                        Ms Flora Chung, Chief Executive Officer of AVS, was invited
               擔任講者,而董事羅汝衡女士、長者                         to give a speech in the plenary session on the first day of the
               服務經理黃美施女士、長者服務高級                         Conference. Other AVS delegates who shared their experience
               主任陳德宜女士、香港義工學院培訓                         in the breakout sessions on promotion and training on
               主任黃佩珍女士及義務職員溫婉儀女士                        volunteering were Ms Anne Loh, Board Member, Ms Margaret
               亦分別於分組會議中主講,分享推動義                        Wong, Elderly Service Manager, Ms Tracy Chan, Elderly Service
               務工作及培訓義工的經驗。                             Senior Officer, Ms Joey Wong, Training Officer of Hong Kong
                                                        Institute of Volunteers and Ms Elsie Wan, Volunteer Staff.

                   Hong Kong delegates

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