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               Hong Kong Volunteer Awardees Society

               香港傑出義工會於2009年4月成立,                       Established in April 2009, the Hong Kong Volunteer Awardees
               匯聚各屆香港傑出義工獎得主的力量和                        Society (HKVAS) brings Awardees together for experience sharing
               經驗,提供一個交流和經驗分享的                          and exchange, thereby strengthening their bonds with AVS
               平台,並支持本局各項活動,宣揚義務                        and amplifying the voices for the promotion of volunteerism.
                                                        Every year, HKVAS organizes a service day to meet the needs
               香港傑出義工會每年均舉行「傑義服務                        of different disadvantaged groups.  This year, 20 members
               多開心」服務日,探訪及服務不同的弱勢                       of HKVAS and their relatives and friends paid caring visits
               社群。年內20位會員及親友探訪30多名                      to about 30 young people with intellectual disabilities and
               智障青少年及其家長。                               their parents.

                                                        Since March 2011, HKVAS members have been writing for
               此外,自2011年3月至今,該會會員每周                     Sing Pao’s weekly column “Volunteers’ World” to share their
               在成報撰寫專欄《義人世界》,與讀者                        volunteering stories and insights.

                 香港傑出義工會2019-2021年度                    HKVAS Executive Committee
                 執行委員會                                 for the year 2019-2021
                 榮譽會長            車淑梅女士                 Honorary Presidents        Ms Chea Shuk Mui, Candy

                                 麥漢楷先生MH                                          Mr Mak Hon Kai, MH

                 會長              洪詠慈女士                 President                  Ms Anna Hung

                 副會長             關心妍女士                 Vice Presidents            Ms Jade Kwan

                                 林學潛先生                                            Mr Lam Hok Chim, Denny

                 秘書              孫貴平先生                 Honorary Secretary         Mr Suen Kwai Ping
                 司庫              陳仲文先生                 Honorary Treasurer         Mr Daniel Chan

                 聯絡              何重恩先生                 Honorary Liaison Officers  Mr Ho Chung Yan, David

                                 李瑞玲女士                                            Ms Lee Shui Ling

                 委員              鍾煉泳先生                 Members                    Mr Alex Chung

                                 林家揚博士                                            Dr Eason Lam

                                 梁國成先生                                            Mr Leung Kwok Shing
                                 麥蔡業瑛女士                                           Mrs Stella Mak

                                 伍妙敏女士                                            Ms Maggie Ng

                                 蘇玉萍女士                                            Ms So Yuk Ping

                 當然委員            沈之弘醫生                 Ex-officio Members         Dr Shum Chi Wang
                                 義務工作發展局                                          Agency for Volunteer Service

                                 鍾媛梵女士                                            Ms Chung Woon Fan, Flora
                                 義務工作發展局                                          Agency for Volunteer Service

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