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          Fundraising and Promotion

          義跑義行「義」019                              Run & Walk for Volunteering 2019

          義跑義行「義」019於2019年10月在將                   The Run & Walk for Volunteering 2019 was held at Tseung Kwan O
          軍澳舉行,超過1,500位跑手和步行者                     in October. More than 1,500 runners and walkers joined the
          參與。活動蒙民政事務局常任秘書長謝                       event. Thanks to Mrs Cherry Tse, JP, Permanent Secretary for
          凌潔貞太平紳士主禮,並獲萬通保險、                       Home Affairs for officiating at the Ceremony, YF Life Insurance
          上海商業銀行及信和集團贊助,播道書                       International Ltd, Shanghai Commercial Bank and Sino Group
          院借出場地,晶苑國際集團有限公司贊                       for  being  sponsors,  Evangel  College  for providing  the  venue,
          助服裝,星達娛樂製作有限公司贊助場                       Crystal International Group Ltd for the event T-shirts, Celtic
          地佈置和製作,科幕製作有限公司贊助                       Production Co Ltd for the production and venue setup, Firmus
                                                  Production Co Ltd for the  design, Leo Paper Group for the
          設計,利奧紙品集團(香港)有限公司贊                      printing, and many other corporations for donating gifts and
          助印刷,以及多間商界機構贊助禮品。                       souvenirs. Moreover, Construction Industry Council Sports and
          而建造業議會運動及義工計劃、香港警                       Volunteering Programme, Day Break Volunteer  Team of  Hong
          察旳心薈萃義工隊、香港懲教署愛羣義                       Kong  Police  Force,  Oi  Kwan  Volunteer  Group  of  Hong  Kong
          工團及香港護士協會則分別提供活動支                       Correctional Services Department and Association of Hong
          援與救護服務,積極支持本局,為義務                       Kong Nursing Staff kindly offered on-site support and first-aid
          工作的持續發展出力。活動共籌得善款                       service respectively. All of them contributed greatly in support of
          約79萬港元。                                 volunteering. About HK$790,000 were raised.

          Mrs Cherry Tse, Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs
          (5  from right) officiating at the Ceremony

                                                                More than 1,500 runners and walkers acted for volunteering!

          AVS全港賣旗日                                AVS Territory-wide Flag Day

          受疫情影響,本局取消原訂於2020年3月                    In  view  of  the  viral  outbreak,  the  outdoor  flag-selling  activity
          7日舉行的戶外賣旗活動,集中推動                        originally scheduled to take place on 7 March 2020 was cancelled
         「一人一金旗」認捐行動。承蒙各方友                        and replaced by the ‘Gold Flag’ Fundraising Campaign. Thanks
          好、夥伴和善長,以及本局董事、委員、                      to the arduous support of our friends, partners, donors, as well
          職員和義工的積極支持,本局籌得接近                       as Board and Committee members, staff and volunteers, around
          港幣30萬元善款,用於推動義務工作                       HK$300,000 were raised for the development of volunteering.

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