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迪士尼賞義工行動                                 Give A Day. Get A Disney Day

               本局與香港迪士尼樂園度假區合作的「迪                       AVS and Hong Kong Disneyland Resort jointly organized the
               士尼賞義工行動」於2010年首度舉辦,                      ‘Give A Day. Get A Disney Day’ since 2010 to promote volunteer
               旨在鼓勵及推動市民參與義務工作,                         service for building a harmonious community. More than
               共建和諧社區。計劃至今已創造超過                         15.5 million hours of volunteer service were generated since the
               1,550萬小時的義工服務。                           programme launch.

               年內,凡完成10小時服務的義工,即有                       In the year, volunteers who had performed 10 hours of service
               機會透過其服務團體獲贈香港迪士尼樂                        were eligible to apply for Hong Kong Disneyland complimentary
                                                        tickets via their service organizations. There was overwhelming
               園免費入場門票。計劃獲近900個團體熱                      response from nearly 900 organizations with around 66,000
                                                        volunteers joining the Programme.
               為推動家庭義務工作,是年首辦的「一家                       To promote family volunteering, the  ‘Family Plus  Volunteer
               義」計劃邀得10間協辦機構舉辦多項義工                      Scheme’ launched in the year gained support from 10 partner
               活動,吸引來自580多個家庭合共1,800                    organizations which offered a variety of family volunteering
               多位義工參與,於2019年4月至8月期間                     opportunities. Over 1,800 volunteers from more than 580 families
               合力創造2萬小時的服務。                             joined the Scheme and contributed a total of 20,000 hours of
                                                        service from April to August 2019.

               第8屆香港傑出義工獎–                              The 8  Hong Kong Volunteer Award —
               行義活動                                     Volunteer Service Events

               本局和南華傳媒藉著合辦第8屆香港傑出                       In connection with the 8  Hong Kong Volunteer Award (HKVA)
               義工獎,於2019年6月至12月期間舉行                     co-organized by AVS and South China Media, 3 volunteer
               了3項行義活動,推動企業義務工作關懷                       service events were jointly conducted between June and
               有需要的人士。3項活動共動員近50位                       December 2019 to promote corporate volunteering to care
                                                        for the underprivileged. About 50 volunteers were engaged
               義工,為70位長者、智障兒童及傷健人                       to serve 70 elderly, children with mental disabilities and the
                                                        physically impaired.

               The elderly enjoyed singing and dancing
               with the volunteers

                                                        A Christmas luncheon celebration without barrier

                                                        Volunteers and children with learning difficulties together
                                                        created greeting cards to celebrate Father’s Day at the
                                                        Launching Ceremony of 8  HKVA

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  47
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