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聯合國志願人員組織 –                             UNV — Hong Kong Universities

          香港大學生義工實習計劃                             Volunteer Internship Programme
          本局自1998年開始成為聯合國志願人員                     As a cooperating organization of the United Nations Volunteers
          組織的香港合作夥伴,協助推廣聯合國                       (UNV) in Hong Kong, AVS has been assisting with the promotion
          義工服務。2015年起,本局獲民政事務                     of the UNV Programme since 1998. In collaboration with UNV,
          局資助,與聯合國志願人員組織合作,                       and with funding from the Home Affairs Bureau and support
          聯同香港志願者協會及和平發展基金會                       from the Hong Kong Volunteers Association and the Peace and
          推出「聯合國志願人員組織 — 香港大學                     Development Foundation, AVS launched the UNV – Hong Kong
          生義工實習計劃」,安排本地大學生到                       Universities Volunteer Internship Programme in 2015.
          海外聯合國屬下單位進行為期6個月的                       Undergraduates from local universities were selected and
          義工服務,讓他們擴闊視野,體驗                         sent to the field offices of the United Nations (UN) agencies
                                                  for a 6-month volunteering assignment. It is the aim of the
          不同的生活和文化,並對全球發展作出                       programme to broaden the students’ horizon through the
                                                  experience of new life and cultural exposure, thereby enabling
                                                  them to contribute positively to global development.
          第 5屆18位大學生義工於2019年7月
          被派往聯合國位於哈薩克斯坦、                          The 5  batch of 18 volunteers was deployed to the field offices
          烏茲別克斯坦、老撾、泰國及越南的                        of the UN agencies in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Laos, Thailand
          單位進行義工服務。為了解他們在海外                       and  Vietnam in July  2019.  To  understand  more about  their
          服務的情況並給予支持,本局副主席                        work overseas and to show support, Mr Paul Fan, SBS, JP, AVS
          范佐浩SBS太平紳士、計劃督導委員會                      Vice-Chairman, Mr Alan Lai, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Programme
          主席黎年GBS太平紳士、和平發展基金                      Steering Committee, Ms Kathy Chiu, JP, Chairman Emeritus and
          會榮譽主席趙金卿太平紳士及榮譽顧問                       Dr Josie Zhou, Honorary Advisor of Peace and Development
          周進博士等於2019年9月前往哈薩克斯坦                    Foundation visited the volunteers serving in Kazakhstan and
          及烏茲別克斯坦,探望在當地服務的                        Uzbekistan in September 2019.
                                                  In  December  2019,  Mr  Jack  Chan,  JP,  Under  Secretary  for
          同年12月,民政事務局副局長陳積志                       Home Affairs and Ms Miyeon Park, Portfolio Specialist, Asia and
          太平紳士及聯合國志願人員組織亞太                        the Pacific, UNV presented Certificates of Appreciation to the 4
          區域 Portfolio  Specialist  Miyeon  Park   batch of university volunteers in recognition of their volunteer
          女士在本局國際義工日嘉許禮上向第4屆                      service overseas.

                  The 5  batch of volunteers attended the pre-departure training to get
                  themselves well-prepared for the overseas assignments

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