Page 34 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 34


         Volunteer Action and Referral

         香港義工團                                    Hong Kong Community Volunteers

         「香港義工團」是本局成立的義工團隊,                       The Hong Kong Community Volunteers (HKCV) is a platform set
          凡有志參與義務工作的人士和團體均可                       up by AVS to bring together individual and corporate members
          登記成為會員。為對「香港義工團」的貢獻                     with a passion in volunteering.  To express appreciation and
          表達欣賞及謝意,本局舉辦不同的嘉許                       gratitude  to HKCV, AVS  organized  various recognition events
          活動,嘉許積極和長期服務的義工,                        to honour active and long-serving volunteers who have made
          更會推薦義工參與政府的義工嘉 許                        notable contributions to the community. Besides, AVS also
          計劃。年內,個人會員陳秀雲女士、                        nominated volunteers with outstanding achievements to
          余泳洋女士、黎同濟先生、曾金漢先生                       receive awards under various volunteer recognition schemes
          及王國強先生經本局推薦,獲頒2020                      launched by the Government. In the year, Ms  Wendy Chan,
          年度民政事務局局長嘉許狀,表揚他/                       Ms Janet Yu, Mr Tony Lai, Mr Tsang Kam Hon and Mr Wong Kwok
          她們熱心參與義務工作及對社會的貢                        Keung were awarded the 2020 Secretary for Home Affairs’
          獻。同時,本局積極鼓勵及推動青年參                       Commendation for Distinguished Service for their dedicated
          與義務工作,除設立青年會費優惠,開                       community  service  and  contributions.  To  encourage  youth
          拓更多合適的服務機會,更為中學及大                       volunteering, AVS offered concessionary membership fee for
          專院校舉行網上分享活動,吸引更多青                       young members, developed more service opportunities for
          年加入義工行列。                                them, and also organized online sharing activities for secondary
                                                  schools and tertiary institutions.
          本局於2017至2020年度推行香港義工團                   To promote HKCV, a 3-year strategic plan was implemented
          三年策略計劃,成果顯著,會員總人數                       from 2017 to 2020 and results have been promising, with the
          及活躍義工人數均逐年遞增。現時香港                       number of HKCV and active volunteers on steady rise. Currently,
          義工團有近7,000名個人會員及160個                    there were nearly 7,000 individual members and 160 corporate
          團體會員,其中青年會員約佔個人會員                       members on the register, with about 40% of the individual
          人數的四成。而香港義工團策略計劃                        members being youth members. A Task Force has been set
          專責小組已於2021年3月展開籌備會議,                    up to kick start in March 2021 the discussion process to
          商討新三年的策略計劃。                             formulate the next 3-year strategic plan of HKCV.

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