Page 44 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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          Hong Kong Institute of Volunteers

          本局成立的「香港義工學院」(學院),                      AVS Hong Kong Institute of  Volunteers (IoV) is a pioneer
          是香港首間致力發展義務工作培訓,提升                      facility dedicated to enhancing the quality of volunteer service by
          義工服務質素的學院。年內共舉辦195項                     the provision of volunteer training programmes. Under the new
          課程,培訓近26,500人次,服務的滿意                    normal, a total of 195 training courses were delivered during the
          度超逾九成,在新常態下學院仍維持                        year to around 26,500 participants, 90% of whom were satisfied
          高質素的培訓服務。                               with the quality of our training.

          在充滿挑戰的環境下,學院積極開拓                        Under the challenging environment, IoV has developed new
          網上學習平台,注入科技元素,如線上                       online learning modes such as Alternate Reality Game, Online
          另類實境遊戲、線上體驗式互動短片及                       Interactive Videos and Online Puzzle Game, allowing volunteers,
          線上解迷遊戲等,以提升網上培訓的                        volunteer leaders and management to continue with their
          互動及效益,讓義工、義工領袖及管理                       training. The launch of IoV YouTube Channel was also an effective
          人員透過網絡繼續接受各種培訓服務。                       means to spread the spirit of volunteerism and to share related
          同時,學院更開設YouTube頻道,與                     news and stories with the public.

          IoV YouTube Channel

          義工資訊網                                   Volunteer Link

         「義工資訊網」電子互動平台於2007年                      To share the latest local and overseas information on
          設立,為各界提供本地及海外最新的                        volunteering, the online platform – Volunteer Link (V-Link) was
          義務工作資訊。為配合服務使用者的                        launched in 2007 and had its Facebook page and Instagram
          需要,於2016年及2019年分別增設                     account set up in 2016 and 2019 respectively. To make easy
          Facebook專頁及Instagram帳戶,更於               the  search of volunteer information, the  V-Link webpage
          2020年全面更新網頁,讓義工更方便搜                     was revamped in 2020. In the year, journals with the theme
          尋義務工作資訊。年內製作「資訊科技與                      ‘Information  Technology x  Volunteering’ and ‘Volunteering for
          義務工作」及「義務工作如何支持可持續                      Sustainable Cities’ were published while ‘Potential Risks in Online
          城市的發展」義工專輯,並出版「網絡會                      Meeting’ and ‘Reference Guide for Volunteer Online Training’ were
          議之潛在危機」及「義工網上培訓:設計                      also shared on the platforms. The V-Link received over 120,000
          指南」,為舉行網上培訓及活動提供參考                      hits in the year.

          Volunteer Link
                                 Facebook     Instagram

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