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         第15屆「攝出愛與關懷」                             15  ‘Capturing Love and Care’
         攝影展                                      Photo Exhibition
         「香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 — 專才義                       With the support of Honorary Advisor Mr Alain  Yip (Founder
         工網」屬下的「攝影義工隊」,在榮譽                        of the Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers,
         顧問葉青霖先生(香港專業攝影師公                         now known as  Ven. Chang Lin), the  Volunteer Photographers
         會創辦人,現為常霖法師)的支持下,                        Team of  ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project
         於2003年結集一群攝影愛好者組成。                       Grant: Volunteer Talent Bank’ was formed in 2003 gathering a
         現時隊員逾140人,他們年內為約70間                      group of photography enthusiasts. During the year, more than
         非牟利團體提供約11,000小時具質素的                     140 members served 70 non-profit organizations, performing
         義務攝影服務,廣受機構及團體                           11,000 hours of quality photography service. The 15  ‘Capturing
                                                  Love and Care’ Photo Exhibition was held for 3 days in January
         歡迎。義工隊於2020年1月假香港文化                      2020 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, displaying 35 touching
         中心舉行為期3天的第15屆「攝出愛與                       photos themed on ‘Love’ and ‘Care’.  The exhibition was a
         關懷」攝影展,展出35張主題為「愛」                       showcase of the achievements of the volunteers, while
         與「關懷」的作品,向大眾分享過去                         conveying to the public the positive message of volunteering.

         Volunteer photographers and guests at the Photo Exhibition

       32  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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