Page 37 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 37

西園長者中心                                   Western Garden Neighbourhood

               西園長者中心於1990年開始為中西區                       Elderly Centre
               長者提供多元化服務。年內,中心於                         Western Garden Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (WGE) has been
               附近的東慈商業中心增設活動室,為認知                       providing diversified services to the elderly in the Central and
               障礙症長者提供特別設計的小組及認知                        Western District since 1990. In the year, the Centre established
               刺激活動、支援其家人,以及透過社區                        additional activity rooms at the nearby Tung Che Commercial
               教育增加公眾人士對認知障礙的認識和                        Centre. The new facilities enabled the organizing and hosting
               關注。此外,中心獲社會福利發展基金                        of designed groups and cognitive stimulation activities for
               (第3期)資訊科技項目的資助,建立中心                      the elderly with dementia, provided support to their families
               會員管理系統,提升中心運作效率,                         and raised public awareness and concern about dementia
               系統預期於2020年12月開始運作。                       through  community  education.  Moreover,  the  Centre  was
                                                        subsidized by the Social Welfare Development Fund (Phase 3)
                                                        to implement a membership management system to enhance
                                                        operational efficiency. The system is anticipated to be in service
                                                        in December 2020.

               Travel and exchange trip to the Mainland

                                                                                                    Camping activity

                                     Buffet birthday party

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  33
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