Page 38 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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             Cognitive stimulation and physical activities for the elderly with dementia

            「耆義聯盟」義工計劃                            ‘V-Union’ Volunteer Programme

          自2015年起,中心獲良梅褔祉基金                       Sponsored by Leung Mui Charity Foundation since 2015,
          贊助推行「耆義聯盟」義工計劃,培訓                       the  ‘V-Union’ Volunteer Programme trained up volunteers
          義工為有需要社交支援的長者提供                         to provide service for the elderly in need of social support. In
          適切的服務。年內,義工除了繼續                         the year, the volunteers paid regular home visits to identify
          透過定期探訪,了解長者的需要及                         the elders’ needs and to provide them with emotional
          關心他們的情緒健康,更舉辦賀節                         support. Festive  celebrations were organized to keep the
          活動,陪同長者歡度佳節。                            elderly company.

          Elders, volunteers and staff interacted
          at the gala dinner

                                               Mr Stephen Lo (middle) representing Leung Mui Charity Foundation attended
                                               the ‘V-Union’ Winter Solstice Festival Gala

       34  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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