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               Hong Kong Institute of Volunteers

               本局成立的「香港義工學院」(學院)(前稱                     AVS  Hong  Kong  Institute  of  Volunteers  (IoV)  (formerly  known
              「義工培訓發展中心」),是香港首間致力                       as Volunteer Training and Development Centre) was the first
               發展義務工作培訓,提升義工服務質素                        training facility in Hong Kong dedicated to the development
               的學院。年內經歷了社會事件及新型冠狀                       of volunteer training programmes for enhancing the quality of
               病毒爆發,學院積極拓展網上學習平台,                       volunteer service. Amidst the social unrest and the coronavirus
               使義工、義工領袖及管理人員能透過網絡                       outbreak, IoV digitalized its training platform such that
               繼續接受培訓服務。年內共舉辦293項                       volunteers, volunteer leaders and managers could continue
               課程,培訓近二萬人次,服務的滿意度亦                       to access our courses online. In the year, a total of 293 training
               一如以往高達九成多,反映學院的高質素                       courses were delivered to around 20,000 participants. 90% of
               培訓服務受到服務使用者的肯定。                          them were satisfied with our training, reflecting their recognition
                                                        of the high quality service of loV.

               義工資訊網                                    Volunteer Link

              「義工資訊網」電子互動平台於2007年                       To share the latest local and overseas information on
               設立,為各界提供本地及海外最新的                         volunteering, the online platform - Volunteer Link (V-Link) was
               義務工作資訊。為配合服務使用者的                         launched in 2007 and had its Facebook page and Instagram
               需要,於2016年及2019年分別增設                      account set up in 2016 and 2019 respectively. In the year, the
               Facebook專頁及Instagram帳戶。年內                V-Link webpage was revamped and new learning channels were
               更全面更新網頁內容及界面,增加學習                        added. A journal with the theme ‘Climate Crisis vs Our Daily Life’
               視頻,並出版「我們與氣候危機的距離」                       was published to stimulate creative thinking on how we could
               義工專輯,探討全球暖化對人類衣食住                        change our lifestyle to respond to the impacts of global warming.
                                                        During the viral outbreak, the audience was kept updated of local
               行的影響,及我們應如何調整生活模式                        and overseas news on volunteering. Guideline on volunteering
               回應此人類危機。疫症期間,「義工資訊                       in the pandemic situation, and tips for maintaining physical and
               網」持續分享本地與海外在疫境中的義務                       mental well-being were also shared on the platform. The V-Link
               工作,並出版「行義防疫攻略」及「情緒                       attracted over 140,000 hits in the year.

               Volunteer Link
                                      Facebook     Instagram

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  35
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