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香港義工約章–                                  Hong Kong Volunteer Charter —

         實務參考指引                                   Practice Reference Guide
         為響應聯合國訂定「國際義工年十周年」,                      AVS drew up the Hong Kong Volunteer Charter on the occasion of
         本局於2011年制訂《香港義工約章》,                      the 10  Anniversary of International Year of Volunteers (IYV+10)
         闡明義務工作的精髓和價值,確立良                         in 2011. It stipulates the essence and values of volunteerism,
         好服務準則,及簡述合適義工的服務                         benchmarks volunteer practice and sets out the service
         環境。                                      environment that facilitates volunteering.

                                                  In pursuit of quality practice and professionalism in volunteering,
         為進一步推動優質義務工作及專業實踐,                       AVS compiles the Practice Reference Guide (the  ‘Guide’) to
         本局以《香港義工約章》為基礎,為義工                       complement the Charter for provision of a practical guidance for
         及任用義工機構編製「實務參考指引」。                       volunteers  and  volunteer-involving  organizations.  Developed
         該參考指引主要根據義工的角度出發                         primarily from the perspective of the volunteers, the Guide sets
         而制訂,涵蓋詳細的義務工作守則,                         out the volunteer code of practice for situations which they
         以及義工對機構和服務對象的期望,                         might encounter while working with the organizations and their
         使義工的服務在適當的支援下產生更大的                       service recipients. Volunteering with proper support ultimately
         效益。                                      will bring greater benefits to all parties concerned.

         Hong Kong Volunteer Charter–
         Practice Reference Guide
                                                    中文           Eng

         4C青年義工領袖計劃                               4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project

         計劃自2009年開展,透過4C發展模式                      The Project was launched in 2009. Through the 4C (Confidence,
         (Confidence自信、Care關懷、Commitment          Care, Commitment, Courage) development model, it fostered
         承擔、Courage勇氣),培育青年的健全                    the youth’s holistic development and nurtured their healthy
         品格及公民意識,以達致全人發展。計劃                       personalities and civic awareness.  The Project also facilitated
         亦協助學校於校內建立核心義工團隊,並                       schools to build student volunteer teams and supported the
         支援青年義工領袖推動及組織校內同學參                       youth volunteer leaders to mobilize their fellow schoolmates
         與義工服務,推廣義工精神,讓學生多                        to volunteer, in order that  the spirit of volunteerism could be
         關心弱勢社群的需要。                               cultivated and students would care more about the needs of
                                                  the disadvantaged.
         本年度以「行義•分享」為主題,鼓勵青                       With the theme of  ‘Volunteering and Sharing’, this year’s
         年義工領袖瞭解社會所需,透過分享,                        programme  encouraged  students  to  meet  the  needs  of  the
         為有需要的對象提供合適的「真•服務」。                      society by providing  ‘Real Services’ to the disadvantaged.
         年內成功協助19間中學建立22隊青年                       During  the  year,  19  secondary  schools  joined  the  programme
         義工領袖團隊,培訓逾350位青年義工                       by  setting up in  total  22 youth  volunteer  leader  teams,
         領袖。惟年內受社會事件及疫症的                          allowing more than 350 youth volunteers to receive leadership
         影響,部份聯校培訓營、聯校服務日、                        training.  While the social unrest and the viral outbreak
         自行策劃服務及「畢業分享營暨聯校行                        brought a lot of challenges to the scheduled training and
         義日」的舉行均面對極大挑戰。但團隊                        service activities, the teams actively applied what they had
         仍積極運用所學,盡力籌備及參與各類                        learned to organize various kinds of volunteer service and
         型義工服務,包括為長者美化鐵閘、                         involved themselves devotedly.  Their services included gate
         募捐及派發口罩、製作和派發防疫及                         painting  for  the  elderly,  mask-raising  campaign  as  well  as
         環保用品等。                                   production and distribution of their DIY anti-virus and
                                                  green products.

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