Page 43 - avs_ar_2019_2020
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此外,為進一步提升義工服務技巧,學院                       Moreover,  to build  the  service  capabilities  of  volunteers,  IoV
               首辦「服務健智人士義工證書課程」,                        launched the pilot ‘Certificate Course on Volunteer Service
               邀得香港理工大學護理學院助理教授                         Skills for Dementia’ in the year. With Dr Kwan Yiu Cho, Assistant
               關耀祖博士、長者服務資深社工周潔芯                        Professor of the School of Nursing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic
               女士及職業治療師陳鵬威先生一同                          University, Ms Karen Chow, experienced social worker  and
               主講,讓義工從「醫、社、康」三方面瞭                       Mr William Chan, registered occupational therapist as key
               解認知障礙症患者之需要,以及基本的                        speakers, the training course synthesized expert knowledge
               照顧技巧。年內亦首次與浸信會愛羣社                        from the medical, social and rehabilitative perspectives,
               會服務處合作,舉辦「中藥保健食療知識                       allowing  volunteers to  learn about the  needs  and basic care
               基礎證書課程」,教授中醫學基礎理論及                       techniques for dementia patients. In addition, IoV  partnered
               中藥保健食療基礎知識。                              with Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service to launch a new initiative -
                                                        ‘Certificate Course on Chinese Medicine Health Diet
                                                        Knowledge’ which integrated the traditional Chinese medical
                                                        theory with the dietary therapy.

            Ms Anita Lai (1  from right of first row) and Mr Tony Ng (2  from left of first row) shared their   詹志勇教授(右)主講「樹木有話兒」
            experience and insights on corporate volunteering
                                                                                  ‘Body Language of Trees’ by
                                                                                  Prof Jim Chi Yung (right)

              「擊活人心 – 自動心臟除顫器課程」由香港消防處
               ‘Press to shock. Save a life - Automated External
               Defibrillator (AED) Course’ by representatives from
               Hong Kong Fire Services Department

                                                        Dr Wong Kwai Lam talked on ‘Win-Win Negotiation and Persuasive Skills’

                                                                                 2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report  39
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