Page 44 - avs_ar_2019_2020
P. 44

特約培訓                                    Specialized Training Programmes

          因應不同機構及團體的需要,學院為                        Under the specialized training programmes, basic volunteer
          義工、義工領袖及管理人員量身設計各                       training, service skills training, leadership and volunteer
          類培訓計劃,包括義務工作基礎培訓、                       management  training  are  tailored  for  volunteers,  volunteer
          服務技巧培訓、領袖培訓,以及義務工                       leaders and administrators according to their needs. In the year,
          作管理學培訓。年內使用培訓服務的本                       local service users included the Central Office for Volunteer
          地機構包括社會福利署義務工作統籌                        Service of Social Welfare Department, Hong Kong Disneyland
          課、香港迪士尼樂園度假區、香港金融                       Resort, Hong Kong Financial Services Institute, Hong Kong
                                                  Independent Commission Against Corruption, The Hong Kong
          管理學院、香港廉政公署、香港社會服                       Council of Social Service and The Hong Kong Institute of
          務聯會及香港特許秘書公會等。而來                        Chartered Secretaries. The Institute also provided volunteer
          港考察接受培訓的境外機構有北京、                        training and study tours for organizations and volunteer groups
          佛山、澳門及新疆的志願者組織。                         from across the border, such as Beijing, Foshan, Macao and
          此外,學院也應邀在深圳主講全國首辦                       Xinjiang. Besides, the Institute accepted invitations to deliver
          之「全國志願服務督導人才培訓班」,向                      training in Macao and Shenzhen respectively. The ‘Volunteer
          近100名來自全國各省市的義工領袖及管                     Service Supervision and Management Course’ held in Shenzhen
          理人員提供培訓,以及在澳門培訓當地                       was the first countrywide programme that gathered nearly
          義工管理人員。年度使用學院特約培訓                       100 volunteer leaders, service supervisors and administrators
          服務的港內外機構合共78間,各項課程                      from  different  provinces  and cities in  the Mainland. In the
          均由具有豐富義工管理及培訓經驗的職                       year, a total of 78 organizations were served under the
          員和義務培訓員教授,以確保培訓達高                       Specialized Training Programmes. To ensure quality, all training
          質素水平。                                   programmes were conducted by qualified and experienced
                                                  staff and volunteer trainers.

          On request by the Social Welfare Department, volunteer service training was delivered in various districts

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