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          The officiating guest and co-organizer representatives pictured with winners of the 8  HKVA

          2019 國際義工日嘉許禮                           International Volunteer Day (IVD)

          聯合國訂定每年12月5日為「國際                        Recognition Ceremony 2019
          義工日」,以鼓勵全球各地政府和                         The United Nations proclaimed 5 December of each year as
          團體,共同嘉許義工的貢獻,並推動                        the International  Volunteer Day (IVD), with aims to encourage
          社會人士積極支持及參與義務工作。                        governments and organizations around the world to jointly
          本局2019國際義工日嘉許禮蒙民政事務                     recognize the contributions of volunteers, and to encourage
          局副局長陳積志太平紳士及聯合國志願                       members of the public to actively support and participate in
          人員組織亞太區域Portfolio Specialist            volunteering. The 2019 IVD Recognition Ceremony was officiated
          Miyeon Park女士蒞臨主禮,獲嘉許的                  by  Mr  Jack  Chan,  JP,  Under  Secretary  for  Home  Affairs  and
          香港義工團個人及團體會員逾千名。                        Ms  Miyeon Park,  Portfolio Specialist, Asia  and the  Pacific, United
          第4屆「聯合國志願人員組織 – 香港大學                    Nations  Volunteers (UNV). Awards were presented to more
          生義工實習計劃」被派往海外聯合國                        than one thousand individual and corporate members of the
          單位服務的19位義工,以及34位參與                      Hong Kong Community Volunteers (HKCV). The 4 batch of 19
          本局「4C青年義工領袖計劃」的中學生                      volunteers  of  the  UNV – Hong  Kong  Universities  Volunteer
          也同時獲本局頒發嘉許狀。                            Internship Programme and 34 secondary students of the 4C Youth
                                                  Volunteer Leadership Project also received commendations.

                                                                           志願人員組織亞太區域Portfolio Specialist
                                                                           Miyeon Park女士(左二)與本局主席及
                                                                           Mr Jack Chan, Under Secretary for Home
                                                                           Affairs (2  from right), Ms Miyeon Park,
                                                                           Portfolio Specialist, Asia and the Pacific,
                                                                           UNV (2  from left) and AVS Chairman and
                                                                           Vice-Chairmen recognized the HKCV
                                                                           members (back rows)

       44  2019-2020 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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