Page 35 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 35

義工轉介服務                                   Volunteer Referral Service

              「義工轉介服務」是本局核心服務之一,                        Volunteer referral is one of AVS’ core areas of service. It offers
               根據服務的性質和要求、義工的技能及                        volunteers a diversity of service opportunities by matching them
               興趣作出配對和轉介,讓服務機構獲得                        with non-profit organizations who are seeking manpower and
               合適的義工資源,亦為義工提供多元化                        talents. To assure service quality, AVS established the Volunteer
               的服務機會。為使義工轉介服務更臻                         Leaders Team to help user organizations coordinate and manage
               完善,本局成立義工組長隊,支援大型                        the referred volunteers in sizable service events.
               管理義工。                                    To build the capacity of frontline staff in volunteer management,
                                                        we organized Volunteer Management Workshop, which brought
               為加強機構前線工作人員對任用義工的                        together nearly 50 volunteer managers from 31 organizations to
               信心和對本局義工轉介服務的了解,                         share their experience and insights.
               與來自31間機構約50名同工分享任用                       Due to the pandemic, the number of volunteering opportunities
                                                        has  declined  dramatically.  Fortunately,  our  volunteers  have
                                                        continued to participate actively and professionally. In the year,
                                                        with 490 organizations registered for the volunteer referral
               受疫情影響,本年度的義工服務機會                         service, nearly 500 service requests were fulfilled, generating
               大幅下降,但義工仍堅守崗位,積極                         about 70,000 hours of service by 17,000 volunteers.

                 Statistics on Volunteer Referral Service

                 香港義工團 — 個人會員人數                No. of HKCV Individual Members                       6,871

                 香港義工團 — 團體會員數目/               No. of HKCV Corporate Members /                      160 /
                 團體會員屬下義工人數                    No. of volunteers under Corporate Members          108,541

                 使用義工登記機構數目                    No. of user organizations                              490

                 服務轉介項目數目                      No. of service requests received                       493

                 成功轉介項目數目                      No. of service requests matched                        474

                 成功轉介率                         Rate of successful referral                           96%

                 義工服務人次                        No. of volunteers performing service (frequency)      16,451

                 義工服務時數                        No. of volunteer service hours                       65,804

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  31
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