Page 36 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
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香港義工團 –                                  HKCV     —   Volunteer Leaders Team

         義工組長隊                                    In order to strengthen the effectiveness and quality of
                                                  volunteer service, the Volunteer Leaders Team was established
         為加強義工服務的成效和質素,本局於                        in 2006. Based on the concept of ‘volunteers manage volunteers’,
         2006年成立義工組長隊,以「義工管理                      experienced volunteers were appointed to assist in leading
         義工」的理念,委任資深義工擔任組長,                       HKCV members to serve in large-scale service events. The
         帶領香港義工團會員參與大型義工服務。                       Team, consisting of 81 members, was divided into small groups
         年內組長隊有81位隊員,在疫情下帶領                       to provide support to 38 service events which included ‘Flash
         義工以小組形式進行服務,支援的義工                        Mob Volunteer Service in 18 Districts’ that mobilized volunteers
         服 務共 有3 8 項, 當中 包 括防 疫服 務                to distribute anti-virus packs to 1,500 front-line cleaning
         「18區快閃義工隊」,在全港18區把防疫                     workers and security guards, and caring community services
         包送到1,500位前線清潔工友及保安員                      to support social  welfare organizations and  enterprises in
         手上;又支援社福團體及企業的關愛                         distributing caring packs to 500 elderly and ethnic minorities.
         社區活動,合力將物資贈送予500位                        The team also led volunteers in the ‘Together • We Plant’
         長者及少數族裔人士,在疫境中向他/                        Volunteer Greening Day to celebrate AVS’ 50  Anniversary.
         她們送上一點祝福和溫暖;並支援本局                        To share knowledge and to promote unity among team
         50周年的慶祝活動「同心共建義工林」,                      members, 2 online training workshops namely ‘Dementia
         帶領義工進行植樹服務。此外,為促進團                       Friends’ and ‘Work out at Home. Act Together to Fight Coronavirus’
         隊的聯繫和增進知識,組長隊為隊員安排                       were organized.
         抗疫 在家運動」。

                The Volunteer Leaders Team participated actively in
                different services and activities during the outbreak
                of pandemic

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