Page 39 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 39

香港賽馬會社區資助                                The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community

               計劃 – 專才義工網                               Project Grant: Volunteer Talent Bank
               本局自2005年起獲香港賽馬會慈善信託                      Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJC)
               基金撥款,推行「香港賽馬會社區資助                        since 2005, ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project
               計劃–專才義工網」。計劃以發掘及善用                       Grant:  Volunteer  Talent Bank’ (VTB) has 13 self-managed
               專才為目標,支援社會各界團體,提供                        volunteer teams each with a specialized set of skills and
               優質專業服務。現時計劃下有13隊具備                       talent.  They provide services in 4 broad categories namely
               不同專門技能的義工隊伍,以自務管理                        befriending and mentorship service, community and cultural
               模式,向社福機構提供適切的優質服務,                       service, health and personal care service, and  professional
               涵蓋友伴服務、社區及文化服務、健康                        service.
                                                        The pandemic has reduced the number of service requests
                                                        we received from NGOs. In the past year, VTB teams provided
               過去一年,鑑於疫情持續,非牟利機構                        16,000 hours of service to 48 non-profit organizations,
               的服務申請減少,使「專才義工網」的                        benefitting 15,000 service recipients of whom 95% found
               服務數字下跌,期間為48間機構提供                        the services satisfactory. Under the new normal, 1,800
               16,000小時的服務,受惠人數約15,000,                 volunteer members undertook a total of 3,060 hours of online
               申請服務的機構滿意度為95%。隊員                        training, strengthening their capacity to cope with the new
               人 數 維 持 近1,800名,疫情下共接受                   service requirements. To continue to meet the needs of the
               3,060小時的網上培訓,持續自我增值,                     community, the volunteer teams strived to continue service
               為新常態的行義模式作好準備。為持續                        delivery via alternative means such as using videos to provide
               照顧服務對象的需要,各義工隊積極                         entertainment, sending caring messages through cards and
               嘗試轉換服務模式,例如義工於家中錄                        handicrafts, and using online applications to interact with
               製影片、製作心意卡或手工藝等,同時                        the disadvantaged.

                 專才義工服務隊                                Volunteer Talent Teams

                  友伴服務                                  Befriending and Mentorship Service
                  閱讀義工服務隊                               Reading Volunteer Team
                  學生服務支援隊                               Student Service Supporting Team

                  同心者服務隊                                V-Care Befrienders Team
                  社區及文化服務                               Community and Cultural Service
                  家庭義工隊                                 Family Volunteer Team

                  音樂創意服務隊                               Music Creative Team
                  社區共融義工服務隊                             Social Inclusion Volunteer Service Team

                  社區服務導遊隊                               Tourist Guide Team
                  社區綜藝服務隊                               Volunteer Performance Service Team

                  健康及個人護理服務                             Health and Personal Care Service
                  理髮義工隊                                 Hair Cutting Team
                  社區健康服務隊                               Health Care Team

                  專業服務                                  Professional Service
                  家居維修服務隊                               Home-Safety Support Team
                  資訊科技義工服務隊                             Information Technology Volunteer Service Team

                  攝影義工隊                                 Volunteer Photographers Team

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  35
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