Page 37 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 37

                    The Volunteer Leaders Team mobilized volunteers to distribute anti-virus
                    packs to front-line cleaning workers

               香港義工團聯誼活動                                HKCV Networking Activities

               由香港義工團會員組成的「義工天地」、                       Three dedicated groups, namely ‘Volunteers Serve Volunteers’,
              「義人行」及「義彩Teen地」小組,專責                      ‘V-together’ and ‘V-teens’ were formed by HKCV members with
               為會員策劃義工服務及聯誼活動,以                         the aim to strengthen ties and sense of belonging of members
               加強會員間的聯繫及提升他/她們對團                        to  HKCV.  During  the  year,  quite  a  number  of  activities  were
               隊的歸屬感。年內,小組策劃的多項活                        cancelled due to the pandemic. It was fortunate that sessions of
               動因疫情關係而取消,幸而「愛護地球                        cleaning services have been held successfully, drawing support
               快閃日」清潔服務順利舉行,吸引30多位                      from over 30 volunteers.

                                                                               2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report  33
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