Page 38 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 38

                    The groups undertook cleaning services at
                    Wu Kai Sha and Shing Mun Reservoir

          ‘Miracle Summer’                        ‘Miracle Summer’ Youth Volunteering
          青年行義計劃2020                              Programme 2020

          本局於2016年開始舉辦‘Miracle Summer’            ‘Miracle Summer’ Youth Volunteering Programme was initiated
          青年行義計劃,鼓勵青年善用暑假參與                       in 2016 to encourage young people to make the most of their
          義務工作,關心社會,並從中增強溝通                       summer vacation by volunteering, and through the process to
          技巧、建立自信。2020年的計劃繼續以                     develop their communication skills and self-confidence. ‘Miracle
         「環境保護、珍惜食物及關愛社區」為                        Summer’ 2020, with the theme ‘Environmental Protection,
          主題,精選一系列義工服務予12至30歲                     Cherishing Food and Care for the Community’, selected various
          青年參與,雖然疫情導致部份服務                         service events for youth aged 12 to 30. Although some events
          取消,計劃仍成功吸引115位青年參與,                     were cancelled amidst the pandemic, the Programme still
          合共提供1,072小時的義工服務,當中                     engaged 115 young volunteers to perform a total of 1,072 hours
          76位青年更加入成為香港義工團會員。                      of service. The Programme also attracted 76 young volunteers
                                                  to get registered with HKCV.

                    青年參與‘Miracle Summer’服務
                    Young people actively participated in the
                    services of ‘Miracle Summer’

       34  2020-2021 服務年報  Annual Service Report
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