Page 42 - Annual_Report_2020_2021
P. 42

西園長者中心                                   Western Garden Neighbourhood

         西園長者中心於1990年開始一直致力                       Elderly Centre
         為中西區長者提供多元化服務。過去                         Western Garden Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (WGE) has
         一年,新冠肺炎肆虐,各項福利服務                         been providing diversified services to the elderly in the Central
         均受到影響。按照社署疫情防控指引,                        and Western District since 1990. Under the pandemic, limited
         受資助的單位只能維持有限度的服務,                        services were provided. To ensure the safety of the elderly, only
         活動人數亦須下調以保持社交距離,進                        pre-registered activities were allowed, which were conducted
         入中心亦必須預約及登記;同時增設                         in compliance with SWD's guidelines and the prevailing
         多項防疫設備,確保每位進入中心的長者                       anti-distancing regulations.
                                                  The pandemic has not hindered our care for the elderly. WGE
         疫情下,關顧長者的工作從未間斷。                         coordinated with other partner organizations to distribute
         期間中心積極聯繫不同團體合作上門                         anti-virus packs and festive gift packs to elderly in the
         派發防疫包,又在傳統節日期間上門送                        community. Volunteers also made regular phone calls to them,
         贈福袋,讓區內獨居、雙老或有需要的                        keeping a close eye on their needs and sharing with them the
         長者獲得防疫物資或節日食品;而中心                        latest anti-virus information.
         解近況,傳送防疫資訊及表達關愛。                         In the year, with the SWD Lotteries Fund, WGE has installed a
                                                  new Wi-Fi system, allowing visiting elderly access to a speedy
         中心獲社署獎券基金撥款,於年內提供                        and convenient internet service. Group activities and classes
         免費無線上網服務,讓會員可享受方                         were held to build the elderly’s IT-related skills and knowledge.

                  Dr Wong Kiu Fung (1  from left of front row), together with doctors from The Association of
                  Licentiates of Medical Council of Hong Kong, held a health talk in the Centre, and delivered 60
                  boxes of masks to the elderly members

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